Kolhapur Local Centre

100 Years of Relentless Journey Towards Engineering Advancement for Nation Building.

/ Engineer Day IEI Kolhapur

Engineer Day IEI Kolhapur

57th Engineers Day 15th September, 2024

56th Engineers Day 15th September, 2023

55th Engineers Day 15th September, 2022

The 55th Engineers'Day Celebration was organized by the Institution of Engineers India, Kolhapur Local Centre at Shahu Smarak Bhavan yesterday evening. The theme of the programme was "Smart Engineering for Better World". The theme lecture was delivered by Dr. S. D. Gorantiwar, Head, Agricultural Engineering Department and PI, CAAST on Climate Smart Agriculture Water Management, M.P.K.V., Rahuri. The programme started by " दीप प्रज्वलन" and "फोटो पूजन" of Great Engineer Bharatratn Sir M. Visvesvaraya at the hands of Dignitaries. Then Dr-Mahesh Chougule , Chairman of IEI KLC welcomed chief guest by offering a Shwal, Shriphal, bouquet and memento. Er. Ajay Deshpande , Coordinator of the event introduced Dr. Sunil Gorantiwar . Dr. Gorantiwar spoke on need for 4.0 Industrial Revolution in Agriculture Sector and presented on Smart Engineering applications development at Rahuri. Er. Ajay Deshpande briefed on 'Concept of Best Engineer and Social Awards' by IEI, KLC. The Best Engineer Awards were conferred on Er. RajendrakumarBalasaheb Patil , Er. Mandar Ambedkar and Er. Malkane. Er. Pradip Kulkarni proposed vote of thanks. The celebration was attended by the Committee Members Er. Sanjay Khot , Er. Prakash Adnaik , Er. Vishnu Sanap, Er. Jyoti Jadhav Govekar , Er. Manjusha Sarnobat, Er. Sultan Shelke , Er. Sadashiv Khatkalle, Er. Balram Mahajan , Shri. Sambhaji Gurav, Shri. Anil Narke and Er. Yogesh Shete . The students of Padmashri D. Y. Patil College of Agricultural Engineering and Technolgy, Professional Engineers and family members of Awardees also attended the programme in large numbers.

54th Engineers Day 15th September, 2021

52nd Engineers Day 15th September, 2019

52nd Engineers Day 15th September, 2019

Celebration of "51st Engineers Day 2018" 15th September, 2018.

50th Engineers Day 15th September, 2017.

50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme
50th Engineers Day Theme

Engineer’s Day Program. 15th September, 2016.

50th Engineers Day Theme
Engineer’s Day Programe 15th September 2016
Engineer’s Day Programe 15th September 2016
Engineer’s Day Programe 15th September 2016
Engineer’s Day Programe 15th September 2016
Engineer’s Day Programe 15th September 2016
Engineer’s Day Programe 15th September 2016
Engineer’s Day Programe 15th September 2016
Engineer’s Day Programe 15th September 2016

Invitation for 48th Egineers Day Celebration 15th Sep, 2015.

Invitation for 48th Egineers Day 15th Sep, 2015

Engineers Day Celebration

Application Invited For Best Engineer13th August, 2015.

Application Invited For Best Engineer And Sr. Engineer13th August, 2015


Engineer’s Day Program. 15th September, 2014.

Engineer’s Day Program 15th September 2014
Engineer’s Day Program 15th September 2014
Engineer’s Day Program 15th September 2014
Engineer’s Day Program 15th September 2014
Engineer’s Day Program 15th September 2014
Engineer’s Day Program 15th September 2014
Engineer’s Day Program 15th September 2014
Engineer’s Day Program 15th September 2014
Engineer’s Day Program 15th September 2014
Engineer’s Day Program 15th September 2014
Engineer’s Day Program 15th September 2014
Engineer’s Day Program 15th September 2014
Engineer’s Day Program 15th September 2014
Engineer’s Day Program 15th September 2014
Engineer’s Day Program 15th September 2014
Engineer’s Day Program 15th September 2014
Engineer’s Day Program 15th September 2014

Engineer’s Day Program. 15th September, 2014.

Every year 15th September, is celebrated as engineer’s day. This year, 2014, we at institution of engineers (I) Kolhapur local center celebrating Engineers Day, We on this day we Felicities to senior engineer, present Award Best engineer.

Institution local center inform to submit application for best engineer Award, the Eligibility Criteria to be Considered for Selection of the Best Engineer Awards:

  • He / She shall be either Doctor, Masters, degree or diploma holder in any division (total 15 division are there of IEI) of engineering.
  • He / She may be member or non-member of The Institution of Engineers (India).
  • He / She must be residing / working presently in the jurisdiction of our Centre Area. (Kolhapur, Sangli Districts & Karad Taluka of Satara District)
  • He / She must have attained the highest professional skills / achieved multi disciplinary excellence in his business activities. His contribution to the society through the product or service shall be taken into account.
  • If May be engaged in Education field /Govt., semi government, private Industrial services or in Business profession. Eligibility Criteria to be Considered for Selection of the Sr.Engineer Awardees:

Eligibility Criteria to be considered for Selection of the Sr.Engineer Awardees:

  • He / She must be member of The Institution of Engineers (India), Kolhapur local center.
  • He / She must be residing / working presently in the jurisdiction of our Centre Area. (Kolhapur, Sangli Districts & Karad Taluka of Satara District)
  • His age is 65 years completed.

Application to be submitted on or before 23/08/2014, by mail on our mail address or on given below.

Email- kolhapurlc@ieindia.org / ieikoplc@gmail.com

Address: - Hon. Secretary, IEI, C/O. Executive Engineer, Ground floor, Minor Irrigation Division, Sinchan Bhavan, Tarabai Park, Kolhapur-416 003.

Thanking You,
With best regards
Er. I. A. Kadam
Hon. Secretary
Kolhapur local center

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Ajay Deshpande

Er.Ajay Deshpande

Er. Yogesh V. Chimatet

Er. Yogesh V. Chimate
