Kolhapur Local Centre
/ News & Events IEI Kolhapur
News & Events IEI Kolhapur
Annual General Meeting 2024
Celebration of World Water Day 2024 at Dr. D. Y. Patil Agricultural Engineering & Technology Talsande. dated on 22 march 2024
World Womens Day on 4th March 2024
Regional Language Promotion Day by a seminar on Indian Space Research Real and Imaginary Day 21 Feb 2024
Tree Plantation On World Environment Day 2024
Celebration of World Environment Day 2023.
Paper & Poster Presentation (Vasant Techno - Fest-Probe 2023) Competition Program
Celebration of World Water Day 2023
New Students Chapter Inauguration Program at J. J, Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur
Celebration of World Womens Day 2023
Annual General Meeting 2022
"World Water Day 2022" on 29th March 2022
“World Women’s Day” on 8th March 2022
Annual General Meeting 2021
Webinar on 'World Water Day'
Webinar on World Water Day
"DRIP Nutrigation and Digital Farming Solution for increasing Water Use Efficiency!"
- Speaker Er. Arun Deshmukh
Head, Agronomy Division & AGM, Sugarcane Projects NETAFIM IRRIGATION INDIA PVT. LTD. PUNE. - Date and Time - Monday 22/03/2021 (03:30 p.m. to 04:30 p.m.)
- Platform - Google Meet
- Google Meet joining link - https://meet.google.com/aqs-jebw-ehm
- Co-ordinators - Prof. Ajay Deshpande, Er. Pradip Kulkarni, Dr. Mahesh Chougule
Webinar organized on the occasion of World Water Day today. Attended the Webinar jointly organazied by The Institution of Engineers India, Kolhhapur Local Centre, Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj College of Agriculture, Kolhapur and Department of Civil Engineering, DKTEs TEI today i. e. on 22th March 2021 at 3.30 pm
Dr.Mahesh B. Chougule, Chairman, IEI KLC welcomed all the Faculty Members, Committee Members, Engineers and students who attended the webinar in large numbers for the online Webinar on Google Meet platform. Er. Arun Patil, Professor of Agricultural Engineering, RCSM College of Agriculture, Kolhapur spoke on the Theme of World Water Day. Er. Ajay Deshpande, introduced the Key Speaker.
Er. Arun Deshmukh, Head Agronomy and A. G. M. Netafim Irrigation India Pvt. Ltd. Pune was the Key Speaker, who delivered his presentation on ' Drip Nutrigation and Digital Farming Solutions for increasing Water Use Efficiency'.
Er. Pradip Kulkarni, Honorary Secretary of IEI Kolhapur Local Centre proposed vote of thanks.
Celebration Of " World Women's Day 2020"
Celebration Of "Energy Conservation Day 2019"
Lecture On Opportunities of Civil Engineer in Public and Private sector DKTE Ichalkaranji
Seminar on "Carrier Opportunities in Engineering Education & Centralized Admission Process 2019"
Celebration of “World Telecommunication & Information Society Day”
Student Chapter Coordinator & Adviser Meeting 2019
Celebration on “World Water Day 2019”
World Women's Day Celebration 2019
Circular - Application For Best Lady Engineer
Seminar on ' Application of renewable anergy in aggriculture sector'
PVPIT Budhgaon, Sangali
Seminar on “Energy Conservation & Audit”
Technical Seminar on the occasion of “Energy Conservation Day 2018” on “Energy Audit – Do it yourself”
Technical Visit at Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Agriculture, Talsande and Chitale Dudh Dairy, Bhilwadi station, Tal- Palus, Dist- Sangli.
R & D Grant-in-Aid Scheme (2017-18)
Poster Presentation Competition on "Hi-Tech Agriculture"
Annual General Meeting 2018
All India Seminar on "Quality Evaluation Methods for Textiles"
Mobilizing Applications for IEI Industry Excellence Award 2018
The Institution of Engineers (India)
Technical Department
TECH:A.3 dated 02.07.2018
Email: award@ieindia.org
All Corporate Members and Institutional Members
The Institution of Engineers (India)
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: Mobilizing Applications for IEI Industry Excellence Award 2018
You are aware that The Institution of Engineers (India), as the largest multidisciplinary professional engineers’ institution, has been playing a leading role in nation’s march, and providing critical and crucial inputs at national and international levels. We have realized that the contribution of pioneering industry leaders should be socially recognized. To this end, we have devised a transparent, application-based scheme to identify the Industry leader in Manufacturing & Processing, Services and Consultancy. The Award Scheme is being published widely.
The Application Format & Information brochure for the Award has been carefully designed to bring out the best from the applicant entity.
Our Council has decided that the top performing industries, as reflected in market results, should be individually approached with the information on the Award Scheme. We have already initiated appropriate action accordingly.
Besides, it was felt that the there is a need to explore the connections/links/offices of our esteemed Corporate Members to provide fillip to this initiative. As such, we request your kind intervention and indulgence towards identifying prospective applicants and motivating them to apply for this prestigious Award.
Soft copies of the Brochure and Application Form are attached herewith for your kind perusal.
With warm regards,
Nilanjan Sengupta, B.E., FIE
Director (Technical)
The Institution of Engineers (India)
8 Gokhale Road
Kolkata - 700020
Website: www.ieindia.org
" World Environment Day 2018" at sangav
World Environment Day 2018 at M. D. Jadhav Institute of Technology Bhose Miraj
World Environment Day 2018 At Latthe Education Society’s Polytechnic, Sangli.
Career Opportunities In Engineering Education & Centralized Admission Process 2018
Dr. Jaydeep Bagi, Director, Department of Technology Shivaji University Kolhapur guided to HSC passed students regarding Engineering career. Dr. P. V. Kadole Chairman of IEI Kolhapur local centre, Hon. Secretary Er. Manoj Chavan and other committee members were present for this programme. Students from Kolhapur and nearby area attended this programme.
Celebration of "Structural Audit of Building" 24 May 2018
World Telecommunication And Information Society Day 17 May 2018
Technical Seminar - “Structural Audit Of Buildings” 24 May 2018
World Water Day 22 March 2018
Celebration of World Water Day 2018 in association Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Agricultural & Technology, Talasande
Lecture on "Skill Development in Food Processing" - 9 March 2018
Technical Lecture on : Skill Development in Food Processing : by Dr. S. S. Thorat... Organized by Students Chapter Dr. D Y Patil CAET Talsande in association with IEI Kolhapur Local Center. Er. Ajay Deshpande, Imm. Past Honorary Secretary welcomed the dignitaries and student members of IEI Students Chapter. Er. Pravin Ukey, Coordinator and Head, APE, DYPCAET, Talsande introduced the Key Speaker. Dr. P. A. Unde, Ex- Head, APE, MPKV, Rahuri graced the Programme along with the Faculty members and students of the College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Talsande. Dr. S. S. Thorat, Head, Food Science and Technology, MPKV Rahuri delivered a lecture on' Skill Development in Food Processing. Er. Yogesh Chimate proposed vote of thanks.
Celebration of Women’s Day - 8 March 2018
Celebration of Women’s Day
To salute the power of women, The Institution of Engineers India, Kolhapur local centre in association with DKTE society’s Textile & Engineering Institute celebrated “Women’s Day” at Auditorium Hall of DKTE. Mrs. Geetanjali Kamat(CEO,Krishnotech, Hubbali) motivated the students to become successful entrepreneur. Mrs. Smita P Kulkarani(Dr A.B. Kulkarani & Associates, Sangli) created awareness of use of social media. She guided to invoke the inner strengths of students and also explained regarding women’s rights.Hon. Secretary Dr. S.U.Awade guided budding lady engineers regarding how to balance the professional and personal life with values. Director Prof. Dr. P.V. Kadole gave welcome speech and elaborated role of women in building society and nation. Dy. Director (Academics) Prof.Dr. L.S.Admuthe took review of DKTE Progress. Prof Dr. V.Jayshree explained the motive of conducting this event. More than 325 girl students and Ladies faculty were benefited by this programme. Prof. A.A. Raybagi anchored the event.
Invitation of Lecture on "Skill Development in Food Processing"
Invitation of Lecture on "Skill Development in Food Processing" on 9th March 2018 at 2.00PM at Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Talasande.
Invitation for Celebration of "World Womens Day"
Lecture on "Energy Conservation"
Status and prospects of Jaggery industry in Maharashtra
Invitation card - "Energy Conservation"
Visit to DKTE Centre of Excellence in Nonwovens
AGM - 2017
Press Conference - 2017
Bulletin to be published on Engineers Day
List Of Corporate Members Attached To Kolhapur Local Centre
Application For Best Engineer and Sr. Engineer Honour
Application For Best Engineer and Sr. Engineer Honour

Career Opportunities In Engineering Education & Centralized Admission Process 2017
World Environment Day
World Water Day 22 March 2017
Bharatiy Jal Sanskruti Abhayan
National Conference on 'INTERDISCIPLINARY TRENDS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, in association with Department of Technology, Shivaji University on Friday,17th February, 2017.
Meeting with AMIE Students for start Exam Centre and Classes at Kolhapur
Poster Presentation Competition
Poster Presentation Competition on 'WATER SECURITY THROUGH WATER CONSERVATION' with D. Y. Patil college of Agril. Engineering & Technology, Talsande on 01.10.2016.
Power Quality and Industrial Drives
Short term training program on the topic of 'Power Quality and Industrial Drives with Department of Electrical Engg., Sanjay Ghodawat Group of Institutions, Atigre on 10122016.
World Food Day Program
Er. JAYDEEP BAGI, Director, Department of Technology,Shivaji University Kolhapur and Chairman IEI Kolhapur Local Centre attended the World Food Day Program on the Theme - Climate is Changing....Food and Agriculture must too.The Resource Experts- Mrs. Shubhangini Joshi, Ex-Head SNDT university, Food Tech Dept.and Er. Ajay Deshpande, Asstt. Professor of Agricultural Engineering, Govt. Agriculture College, Kolhapur delivered a key note address to about 250 students.
Power Quality & Industrial Drives
Annual General Meeting - September 2016
Audit Report 2015-16
Annual General Meeting 2016
All Corporate Members are requested to attend Annual General Meeting of IEI, Kolhapur Local Centre at Hotel Pavillionn, near Basant -Bahar Theater, Assembly road, Kolhapur - 416003 at 6.30 p.m. on Wednesday i.e. 28th September 2016.
Annual General Meeting 2016
NDRF National Design And Research Forum
Notice Regarding Engineers Day Celebration
Notice Regarding Engineers Day Celebration
Career Opportunities in Engineering organized on 5 th June 2016
World Environment day celebration on 5 th June 2016
World Telecommunication And Information Society Day
Lecture on Career Strategies for Budding Engineers In TKIET college of, Warananagar
Celebration Of World Water Day
Lecture on Career Strategies for Budding Engineers In DKTE
Meeting with DKTE staff for IEI membership drive
Seminar on Engineering applications in Medical field - 13-02-2016
“Seminar on Engineering applications in Medical field”, in association with Biomedical Engg & Tech. Incubation centre (BETiC)”
Coordinator - Er. Ajay Deshpande
Speaker - Prof (Dr) Rupesh Ghyar
Senior Scientist, Orthocad dept, IIT Mumbai.
Dr. Suresh Deshpande
Orthopedic Surgeon & Mentor BETiC
Venue: Sheth Rambhai Samani Hall, Shivaji Udyamnagar, Kolhapur.
Day & Date: Saturday, 13th February, 2016, Time: 04:00 pm
Career for Engineers in Banking - 10-01-2016
Filling The Vacancies in each Following Engineering Division of Committee Member of Kolhapur Local Centre 31 Dec 2015
Filling The Vacancies in each Following Engineering Division of Committee Member of Kolhapur Local Centre 31 Dec 2015

Introductory Meeting of Textile Branch Members at kolhapur Local Centre 28 Dec 2015
Introductory Meeting of Textile Branch Members at kolhapur Local Centre 28 Dec 2015

A Workshop On "Cloud Computing" 19 Dec 2015
A Workshop On "Cloud Computing" 19 Dec 2015
The institution of Engineers (I), Kolhapur Local Centre was organized a workshop on "Cloud Computing" at Rambhai samani hall, 5hivaji udyamnagar, Kolhapur on 19lh December 2015, at 10.00 hrs- Er. Tanmay Deshpande, who is a Cloud Computing and Big Data, evangelist from Pune, will be the speaker for above workshop. It would be useful for the final year students of your college who are interested in career in information technology.
Meeting With Dr Sardeshmukh, D G MCCIA Pune on 25-10-2015.
Lecture by Er. Amit Mate at IEI Kolhapur Local Centre and Committee meetings on 4th November 2015.
Annual General Meeting 2015
Annual General Meeting 2015
23 September 2015 - Audit Report 2014-15
30 Sep 2015 - Annual General Meeting 2015
All Kolhapur Local Centre Members invited for Annual Genereal Meeting on 30th Sep 2015.
15 September 2015 - 48th Engineers Day 2015
48th Engineers Day 2015
26 July 2015 - Capacity building for Teachers & Students in the Disciplines related to Environment - One day Seminar Photos
Capacity building for Teachers & Students in the Disciplines related to Environment - One day Seminar Photos
26 July 2015 - MSC Meet At Kolhapur
MSC Meet At Kolhapur
25 July 2015 - One day Seminar of Environmental Engineering Division Kolhapur Local Center
One day Seminar of Environmental Engineering Division Kolhapur Local Center
Time, Day & Date: - 09.00 am to 05.00 pm, Saturday, 25th July 2015
Venue: - Radhabai Shinde Auditorium Hall, CSIBER, Kolhapur
Theme: - "Capacity Building of Teacher & Students in the Disciplines related to Environment"
We request you, to inform about the program to all your friends, Students.
Download Brochure24 July 2015 - Notice For Committee Election
12th Pass Student Program 2015
12th Pass Student Program - 2015
15 September 2015 - CELEBRATION OF 48TH ENGINEERS DAY – 2015
Theme: Engineering Challanges For Knowledge ERA
September 15 is celebrated every year in the country as "Engineers' Day" to
commemorate the birthday of the legendary engineer Sir Mokshagundam
Visvesvaraya. Sir Visvesvaraya, an eminent Indian engineer and statesman was
born in a remote village of Karnataka, the State that is incidentally now the Hitech
State of the country. Due to his outstanding contribution to the society,
Government of India conferred "Bharat Ratna" on this legend in the year 1955.
He was also called the precursor of economic planning in India. His learned
discourse on economic planning in India, Planned Economy for India and
Reconstructing India, was the first available document on the planning effort of
the country and it is still held as the parent source matter for economic planners.
A theme of national importance is chosen every year by the National Council of
the Institution and deliberated at its various State/Local Centres to educate the
engineering fraternity in general and the society in particular. This year the
National Council of the Institution has selected the theme as "Engineering
Challenges for Knowledge Era".
Tremendous developments are taking place in science, technology and
engineering world over and the knowledge has become the new currency of
national economics. Engineers have a pre-eminent role in the knowledge
economy. Innovation of new products and processes form the core of new
knowledge which has to be governed by intellectual property rights related safe
guards including applicability of Cyber loss. Changing technologies, disruptive
technologies and path breaking technological developments will have to be
mastered exploited in all engineering disciplines.
Promoting research and development, nurturing entrepreneurship and
succeeding in making world class products all will form major activities in this
regard. Further interdisciplinary team efforts are needed to succeed in mapping
the benefits of knowledge economy.
Technology manpower planning in the networked economy hinges on
developing base of skilled and knowledgeable manpower of high calibre to usher
in a talent-drive economic revolution. Both the Industry and Academia has equal
responsibility to share to ensure that the engineers become ready to face the
growing and ever-changing need in this knowledge era.
IEI has an important role in this endeavour. The theme chosen for Engineer's Day
2015 celebrations "Engineering challenges for Knowledge Era" will address
all these aspects.
31 May 2015 - Opportunities in Engineering Education & Centralize Admission process 2015
All The Committee Members,
IEI ,Kolhapur Local center,
Sub: - Invitation
Dear Sir
We are arranging Program on Carrier guidance & Centralize admission process.The details of which are as given below,
Title: - "Opportunities in Engineering Education & Centralize Admission process 2015"
Keynote speaker & Guide: - Dr. A.K.Gupta, Dr. Jay Bagi.
Time, Day & Date: - 11:00 am to 02:00 pm, Sunday, 31 May 2015,
Venue: - Shahu Smarak Bhavan, Main Hall, Dasara Chowk, Kolhapur
Entry: - Free to all
We request you, to inform about the program to all your friends, Students.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
Hon. Secretary
IEI, Kolhapur Local center
11 April 2015 - "Energy conservation for domestic & industrial application"
One day Seminar Title:- "Energy conservation for domestic & industrial application"
Venue :- Hotel Pavilion ,Conference hall.
Time :- 09.00am to 05.00 pm (Break fast ,Lunch will be arranged during the seminar)
Day & Date : - Saturday, 11th April 2015
For this seminar Registration is must & you can do it in any of the following way,
1) You have to fill up the registration form enclosed with this broacher & submit at our office address. 2) You can fill this form copy & send it on our email address & deposit the registration fees at our counter at the time of seminar. 3) You can fill up this form & send it by post on our office address & deposit the registration fees at our counter at the time of seminar.
The energy conservation is now playing a vital role as far as profit margins are concerns for textile, steel processing or any small type of industries because the energy prices are increasing day by day. So also for Domestic application there is potential for conservation of energy is consult.
The program will be consist of different Techniques of Energy conservation applicable to domestic application, Industrial application, Opportunities in the energy conservation, Importance of green building etc. The institution of Engineers (India) Kolhapur Local centre in association with MEDA, Maharashtra Energy development Association, arranged One day Seminar on "Energy conservation for domestic & industrial application" The Details of the program Venue, Date Time is as given in the registration form.
It will be divided in three sessions over one day. Technical sessions will include Plenary Lectures by Research Scholars and selected presentations from and Entrepreneurs.
Invitation15 March 2015 - Advance Plumbing Systems for High-Rise Buildings
All The Committee Members,
IEI ,Kolhapur Local center,
Sub: - Invitation
Dear Sir
We are arranging Program on Advance Plumbing Systems for High-Rise Buildings.
The details of which are as given below,
Title: - “Advance Plumbing Systems for High-Rise Buildings.”
Keynote speaker & Guide: - Mr. S. M. PATIL
Time, Day & Date: - 5.30pm to 8.00pm, Sunday, 15th March 2015,
Venue: - Sheth RamBahi Samani Smruti Hall, Shivaji Udhyamnagar, Kolhapur.
Entry: - Free to all
We request you, to inform about the program to all your friends, Students.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
Hon. Secretary
IEI, Kolhapur Local center
3rd -4th Jan 2015 - Technical Tour
We have completed our Technical Tour as per foolowing schedule on 3rd and 4th January 2015.
Sr. No. | Date | Time | Particulars |
01 | 03.01.2015 | 07.30 am | To assemble at department of technology, Shivaji university, Kolhapur. |
02 | 03.01.2015 | 08.15am | To proceed towards Belgaum. |
03. | 03.01.2015 | 10.30am to 12.00pm | Visit to Vidhansabha, Belgaum. |
04 | 03.01.2015 | 12.30pm to 13.00pm | Lunch at Balekundri |
05 | 03.01.2015 | 13.00pm | Proceed to badami |
06 | 03.01.2015 | 17.30pm | Halt at Badami. |
07 | 04.01.2015 | 09.00am to 11.30am | Visit to Badami temple, (Pattadkal & Aihol) |
08 | 04.01.2015 | 11.30am to 12.30am | Proceed to kudal Sangam. |
09 | 04.01.2015 | 1.00pm to 2.00pm | Proceed to Almatti Dam |
10 | 04.01.2015 | 2.00pm to 4.00pm | Lunch and Visit to Almatti Dam |
11 | 04.01.2015 | 4.15 pm to 5.15 p. m. | Proceed to Kolhapur via Vijapur |
12 | 04.01.2015 | 5.15 0pm to 9.00pm | Return journey to Kolhapur. |
3rd Dec 2014 - Felicitation of Er. S. M. Khatkalle
Felicitation of Er. S. M. Khatkalle for promotion as Deputy Executive Engineer on 3/12/2014 at IEI, KOLHAPUR LOCAL CENTRE
25th Nov 2014 - Vacancy for Engineers , Last Date of Submitting.
This is to inform you that the following are the vacancies in each of engineering division of committee of Kolhapur Local Centre Details of Engineering Branch, No of post are given below.
Engineering Branch | Post | Engineering Branch | Post |
Architectural Engg. Division | 01 | Environmental Engg. Division | 01 |
Chemical Engg. Division | 01 | Metallurgical & Materials Engg Division | 01 |
Computer Engg. Division | 01 | Production Engineering Division | 01 |
Electronics And Tele Engg. Division | 01 | Textile Engineering Division | 01 |
If you are interested to join the KLC as a Committee Member, you are requested to send detail Application by e-mail on our E-mail address, You also can send your Application, by attaching your photo ID, IEI Membership details – (fellow, member, AMIE) with its Xerox on the following IEI, KLC postal Address,
Office Address- C/O. Executive Engineer, Ground floor, Minor Irrigation Division, Sinchan Bhavan, Tarabai Park, Kolhapur-416 003.
Email: - kolhapurlc@ieindia.org, ieikoplc@gmail.comLast Date of submitting of Application:- 25/11/2014.
The Selection to the committee will be as decided by rules, regulation of IEI Kolhapur Local Centre.
With Regards
Er. I. A. Kadam,
Hon. Secretary,
IEI, Kolhapur Local Centre.
30th Sep 2014 - AGM Circular.
25th Jul 2014 - LED LIGHTING Program.
2014 - IEI MSC Meeting
2014 - Opportunities in Engineering & Centerlised Admission Process
Seminar on Innovative Approaches for Low Cost Treatments of Water and Wastewater
All india seminar on Innovative Approaches for Low Cost Treatments of Water and Wastewater on 20 - 21 february 2014
2nd Jan 2014 - Website Opening
News & Events
News & Events
Engineer Day
Best Engi & Senior Engi Circular
Nivedan Best Engineer
Annual Audit Report 2023-24
Office Bearers

Er.Ajay Deshpande